Thursday, March 26, 2009

Curious about ....

Cremation or Burial....
My grandmother is buried with a tombstone that has my name on it. I was named after her. My Father is buried at her feet. I will be cremated.

I was having a conversation about this last evening. I am not one to go to the cemetery to visit grave sites. To me it is a junk yard full of old cars. Gone and no longer on the road of this earth plane. I do not feel we are, are bodies.

If I want to celebrate my grandmother or father I will where ever I am, whenever I think about it. Sometimes they pop into my mind, or others that have passed. Awww time for a conversation with them.

How do you feel? Cremation or Burial? Or is this topic to gross and unapproachable for you?


Meggie said...

Gosh, I've had to catching up to do. To answer your question, I think it's just a matter of what gives you and your family the greatest comfort. I've had several of my pets cremated. The urns are on my bookshelf nearest the desk where I do the most typing. At least I don't have to go to the cemetery. They are right here with me all the time. And I know that my family is not at the cemetery, but it comforts me to see a headstone with their name on it. Also, cemetery headstones help historians with genealogy reports.

I didn't know Lisa Williams had a television show. What channel?

BTW: I went to a psychic fair yesterday in a town 4 hours south of here. Very cool! Some of the things he told me about my life I didn't put together until later, after I had thought about it for a while. My father came through. Quite a shock, let me tell you. There is no doubt in my mind that it was my father either. This guy was spot-on! Wow!

raquel roysdon said...

Well it certainly helps Meggie when you are open to it. People can block the "psychic" if they don't believe.
I'm curious in places like Japan or China, Russia if you aren't allowed to be buried. So it's good we still have a choice, no?

Lagean Ellis said...

I feel the same. Their spirit is with me. Not in that box.
I want burial because (you'll love this) I'm afraid of fire!

Anonymous said...

For me, cremation. Don't want to put in the ground and never visited. Just spread the ashes and get on with your life.

Thanks for stopping by.

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

good question.. my husband has a real thing about this cremation for him!(hmm what if he goes first???how does he know, and when he does, it's too late and he won't care at that time anyway~), as you can tell, I don't have a problem with cremation!

Jan :)

Leslie said...

I'll go with cremated...

My father passed away in 2000. Loved him dearly, but have yet to go back and visit his grave. He's not there. He's with me.