Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I am a 'Seer'

I created a necklace that I inspired because I am a Seer. I call myself a Seer, a Listener because I see pictures and hear thoughts in my mind that come from spirit.

I am a Seer - N100209 Available today on my website,

Look for many more jewelry items inspired by the "Seer" in me. ;)


Menopausal New Mom said...

Raquel, that is so pretty! You are very talented, I love jewelry, I actually have another blog devoted to it and I have an online vintage jewelry store on Ruby Lane. Loving the Jewelry!

The Frugal Angel-Guided Psychic said...

My daughter who is 7 very much enjoys making jewelry. Each day she seems to be making something new and she also says she just sees it in her head. How wonderful to physically create what is already present within us!
