Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Other side of ME

We are so multifaceted creatures, no? I have so much going on inside my head at times, I have to ground myself to focus. At others times, I don't think anyone is home.
Today I heard from a wonderful medium who I had the pleasure of meeting through a spirit named Stacy. Stacy had died giving birth to her son who had also died. Stacy was a friend of Wendy's, whom I work with.
The wonderful medium is Karen and she has a website, www.karenpeterson.org. She was at the time we met also communicating with Stacy and giving messages to Stacy's Mom and sister. When Karen find out that I was also getting messages from Stacy she wanted to meet me.
Its always nice to hear from people who you haven't heard from in awhile. I'm hoping to get a chance to interview Karen. However she is extremely busy.

The Other side of me is giving away 3 pairs (like a clover) of earrings at http://houseofraquel.blogspot.com come by and check it out.

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